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Kingdom Contractors

Founded: 2023

Kingdom-Contractors is a thriving Christian construction network & community dedicated to the principles of faith and excellence in the construction industry. Founded in 2023, and Partnered with Steamyz and Krunex, a renowned Home and Kitchen Brand as well as a Tool Shop, Kingdom-Contractors has established itself as a trusted name in the construction industry, offering a unique blend of Christian principles, top-notch craftsmanship, and a range of home and kitchen products designed to enhance the overall living experience


Driven by their unwavering commitment to faith, community, and quality, Kingdom-Contractors, Krunex, and Steamyz are at the forefront of construction and home solutions. They strive to exceed expectations, delivering projects and products that not only meet the highest standards but also create spaces that reflect the principles of love, unity, and spiritual well-being. With their unique partnership, Kingdom-Contractors, Krunex and Steamyz offer a holistic approach to construction and home enhancement, ensuring that faith and excellence are seamlessly woven into every aspect of their work.

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